Slippery slope for parking

Parking issues for Park

Scott Schmidt

The student parking lot at Park is in disarray due to excessive snowfall and ice on March 20. Students are having a difficult time entering and exiting the parking lot.

Jamar Hester Jr and Cole Denham

Due to recent winter storms, many students said they reported issues with parking. As the lot has been filling up quicker, they said they resorted to parking on the streets. Sophomore Ryan Moran said that while no actual cars have been towed, the parking system is still flawed.

“It’s stupid because some people can’t afford the $50 parking pass and you have to get to school somehow,” Moran said. “ I don’t have a bus where I live and I can’t walk because it’s two miles and it’s kind of a pain.”

English teacher Chris Nordmark said the parking lot being full is a big issue for both students and teachers.

“We have our spots and they get taken by students sometimes,” Nordmark said. “That’s a pain, but I do hear from students that they have issues with finding spots, and I did have a student get a parking ticket for parking in the wrong place — and it was almost what it cost to park in the lot — but there were no spots in the lot.”

 Assistant Principal Derek Wennerberg said Park is considering what the best options are to fix these issues, which may be to start towing cars without a pass.

“Which we’re doing our best to do to make this great for us — the city and the school,” Wennerberg said. “If we have to, we will start doing it because it is just the natural consequence. Also we want to be understanding that is a big added expense for some students or families.”

Moran said he believes parking should be free for all students.

 “It depends on the person, but parking should just be free because it’s not like they’re making a ton of money off of it,” Moran said. “Some people can’t afford it. Where are they supposed to park? School is a lot of stress then adding the stress of parking too.”

Wennerberg said that with the warming temperatures, more spots will open in the lot.

 “As you can see, the snow is melting which is going to open up a lot more spots because that’s been an issue,” Wennerberg said. “These parking spots for staff and students have been limited. That’s going to help, too.”

Wennerberg said Park is adamant on towing and ticketing student cars parked outside the lot, although they are trying to give students warnings ahead of time

“Hopefully we don’t have to tow cars because that’s a big expense,” Wennerberg said. “The city has actually been enforcing the street to take any (cars) outside our parking lot. We’ve been putting tickets on cars the last few weeks just to let students know we’re checking it, we don’t want you parking here.”