Trump’s education budget harmful to students, families
Cuts to various programs counterproductive
The objectives laid out in President Donald Trump’s spending plan would harm working class Americans by disadvantaging them in several aspects, especially education.
Trump, who has long been advocating for minimizing the federal government’s role in schools, is calling to decrease the Education Department’s budget by $9 billion.
Some of the only components of the education system that would gain support are those involving school choice, a highly advocated for platform by Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos — massive amounts of funding would go toward charter-school while another $1 billion in grants would push states to form similar policies.
This proposed change would deal a catastrophic blow to the nation’s education system. DeVos’s proposed voucher programs, which take money out of public education’s budget and instead offer it as aid to families looking to send their child to private school, will undoubtedly do little to help America’s education system.
According to educator Natalie Hopkinson, the costs of private school often far exceed the funds provided by voucher programs, often leaving families unable able to pay the tuition and sending their child to a now underfunded public school.
Perhaps more alarming is Trump’s proposed cut of career and technical education (CTE) and the federal work-study program. The plan calls for a $166 million cut to CTE and roughly slashing the work-study program’s $1 billion dollar budget in half.
CTE and work-study programs, which aim to teach students skills relevant to the adult workforce, are invaluable. They provide students, especially those that are disadvantaged, with opportunities to better plan for their post high school lives.
Research from the Fordham Institute concluded that students in Arkansas who participated in a CTE program were more likely to graduate than similar students who didn’t take part in the class.
Students and their families must take a stand against these cuts and ask that their elected representatives do the same. If passed, Trump’s funding cuts to the education system would wreak havoc on the opportunities for working class and disadvantaged students and their families.

My name is Will Huyck but most people here know me as Dark Lord Opinions Master and/or Donovan McNabb. My position on staff is Opinions editor...