Maggie Klaers

PCP: Asynchronous days

Recently employing asynchronous days during conferences, the effects of these days have been called into question

December 3, 2021

Asynchronous days hurtful to routines

Last year, many students enjoyed the asynchronous Wednesdays. Students could check into Park Connections and be done with Zoom for the day. However, this upending of natural rhythm only causes harm to students with in-person school. To counter this, administration should have only synchronous days and return to the classic system of school.

Asynchronous days are a thing of the past. As many students have come back to in-person school, they have gotten used to the schedule of five-full school days a week. But with the new asynchronous-day conference format, students were required to reply to their Park Connections teacher by 10 a.m. Personally, I got up by 10 a.m. so it’s no trouble for me to do this. But I believe many students perceived this as a day off. They didn’t get up by then and were marked as an unexcused absence. Then, they will get off to a bad start in the day, which could lead to decreased productivity. 

Continuing to add asynchronous days will make students think they won’t have to do any work because they’re not in their normal work environment. We will go back to the same issue of students being unproductive at home because they can’t focus or will be distracted. When students are in school, it is expected that they are attentive and focus on work. But at home, students may have other responsibilities like walking dogs, chores or distractions that will keep them from doing their asynchronous assignments. Students will end up getting behind on work just because they weren’t forced to go to school. 

Even though asynchronous days give the opportunity for clubs to meet and students to seek one-on-one help, this interrupts the natural flow of school. The purpose of asynchronous days is to give time for students to do work. But if numerous clubs are meeting on asynchronous days, some students may not even look at their school work because they’ll be stuck attending those meetings. 

Finally, while certain students may be able to hang out with their friends during asynchronous days, the students who don’t have transportation or have to stay home may lose the social aspect of school. During these asynchronous days, they’ll be sitting on screens and won’t be having discussions with their friends. They’ll be missing two of the most important things school provides: interaction and learning. 

While asynchronous days may provide a break of in-person school for students, it leads to decreased productivity for students who sleep in or those who can’t leave their home. Additionally, clubs, responsibilities and sports can distract students from their learning — creating a learning gap between students.


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Asynchronous days should be present every week

With the days leading up to the asynchronous day Nov. 17 because of conferences, I was  excited to finally have a day off. It felt like a breath of fresh air after not having one for so long. Now, I feel that it would be beneficial for lots of people if asynchronous days stay. 

After having Wednesdays off last year, it took time to adjust to the traditional schedule this year. I was excited to learn of the asynchronous day as I could finally have a day to catch up on my work. 

Being back after a year of online school, it was hard to get back into a routine of getting my work done on time, and I found myself falling behind in all my classes. Having the asynchronous days helped a lot. It allowed me to get caught up and even get started on new assignments that were not yet due. 

Another reason why asynchronous days should stay is because it gives students an opportunity to take care of themselves. For instance, students can sleep in, or do whatever they need to do for themselves. Students can use the flexible time to do whatever they need. 

Having asynchronous days can also give you an opportunity to catch up with old or new friends, or even go to visit your grandparents. It’s also a good time to connect back with your teachers to get one-on-one help with assignments. 

Asynchronous days should stay because they give you a little breather. Weekdays can be hectic and filled with things that could give you stress. Instead of being inside and on electronics all day, you can go outside and enjoy the grass, or snow if it’s winter, and the fresh air. 

Overall, having asynchronous days can give people something to look forward to and can play a role in taking away high levels of stress. With having more Wednesdays off, it would positively impact the academic and mental well-being of students.


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