Sports costs hinder participation
Students recall times where money created problems
According to athletic director Andy Ewald, school sports are a way for students to meet people and participate in school activities, but for some, the cost of these sports are a big roadblock in their participation, with prices ranging from $160-$200.
According to Ewald, the money from athletes goes to many different things that benefit the sport.
“All the money we generate, whether it’s from participation fees or when somebody goes and pays admission to games, go back into the general funds. It’s not earmarked for athletics. Everything goes back into the district’s money,” Ewald said.
Ewald said the district doesn’t want money to get in the way of a student’s opportunity to participate in a school sport.
“The district, the school board and the communities always just take in the approach that they don’t (want) finances to deter anyone from participating that wants to participate. We have a minimum that we try to ask people for,” Ewald said. “Whatever fits into the family budget, we don’t want anybody to not participate because of their family’s financial situation.”
Freshman Kyla Ganske said money has been an issue in the past, but it has never made her unable to participate in a sport.
“I personally have never been affected by a cost. It’s been hard to find the money for it. I’ve had to pay late, but I’ve never been not able to play,” Ganske said.
Ganske said sports with a lot of equipment have a reasonable price, but it can still be a reason students can’t play a sport.
“I think with high school sports it depends, because if you get some sort of equipment, I feel like the cost is appropriate, but people who really want to play, but don’t have the money for it, can’t play,” Ganske said.
Freshman Jalon Jones said by reducing costs participation would greatly improve sports teams because more students can play.
“I think there’s many students that haven’t been able to play because of the cost of sports,” Jones said. “I think they would get more people and possibly have a more talented team (if it were less costly).”