Club sport sparks involvement

Expand your horizons


Ruthie Posada

As a sophomore, I knew I needed to be more involved in school activities, frequently finding myself bored. I wanted to join a sport, but I didn’t know if I could handle the serious competition.

After attending Herzl Camp for the past six summers, the camp’s most treasured sport, ultimate Frisbee suddenly seemed like a good fit.

I had a lot of friends both from camp and Park who played ultimate, so I knew I would have people to support me.

This heavily factored into my decision to join ultimate. There were no tryouts and my teammates made sure I felt optimistic about my progress while learning how to play.

Although it was difficult to learn all the different plays and positions, I eventually got the hang of it.

Ultimate is a sport that is commonly overlooked because it’s relatively new to the athletic world.

At Park, it’s considered a club sport, meaning we are required to fundraise for ourselves and aren’t represented with Park’s mascot, the Oriole.

The girls’ team is called “Crush” and the boys’ team is called “Orange Crush.”

Because of a lack of funding we hold many fundraisers. This has a large impact on where we are able to rent out practice space.

It’s surprising that ultimate isn’t widely known at Park, considering the team has existed since 2014.

A lot of sports and clubs aren’t represented in the same way as others because they are not considered as popular.

It’s important for students to not only show pride for other students’ initiatives, but also try to branch out and seize new opportunities.

By taking initiative and expanding your horizons to experience and learn more about sports and clubs that are generally disregarded, it provides you with greater knowledge of the world around us.