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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

A Park volunteer donates blood through the Red Cross on May 8. DECA partnered with Red Cross for blood donations.

Red Cross and DECA collaborate

Rachel Arkis and Madeline Anklam May 23, 2024

Three times a school year, Park’s DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) class and the Red Cross of America team up to hold blood drives at the high school. The most recent one was held May 8,...

Muddy Paws Cheesecake displays its holiday toys for its annual children's fundraiser Dec 6. The company is partnering with STEP to give kids toys over the holidays.

Muddy Paws Cheesecake partners with STEP for 28th year

Kate Schneider December 6, 2020

During a holiday season like no other due to the COVID-19 pandemic, senior Ella Weinmann, owner Tami Cabrera’s daughter, said Muddy Paws Cheesecake had to make major changes to their annual drive with...

Sophomore Stayci Spates proves to be an asset at the local food shelf. She gives back to the community by volunteering every Saturday at her church's food shelf.

Sophomore volunteers at local food shelf

Lauren Thon November 9, 2020

Through these difficult times, sophomore Stayci Spates has been giving back to her community by volunteering at the Minneapolis Central Church of Christ food shelf every Saturday.  “My Mom started...

Pottery teacher Angela Jacob assists students while they work with clay during pottery class Feb. 14. According to Jacob, pottery pieces that were not claimed will go to STEP's Empty Bowls.

Pottery class donates artwork

Amaia Barajas, Jenna Cook, and Noah Orloff February 17, 2019

According to pottery teacher Angela Jacob, pottery pieces will be sent to the St. Louis Park Emergency Program for their Empty Bowls gathering. “Whenever I have something that students don’t want...

Sophomore Maya Lee and Bobby Otto prepare to do yoga poses Feb. 11. Otto started a yoga club that will begin Feb. 21.

Math, yoga add up to stress-free equation

Rachel Salzer, Writer February 17, 2019

Math teacher Bobby Otto said he was excited about the greater opportunity to share his passion of yoga and expand his teaching skills by creating a yoga club. A donation of old yoga mats from Lifetime...

Junior Kyle Ballenger gets his blood drawn during the blood drive May 30. Students who donated were able to receive t-shirts and restaurant discounts following donation.

Student Council reflects on final blood drive of year

Hadeal Rizeq June 4, 2018

After donating blood to his mother when she was in need, senior Brian Asumari said he is committed to doing the same for others by participating in more blood drives. “My mom needed blood one time,...

Students rush to Cafe 159 1/2 to get their morning dose of coffee and donuts Dec. 12.

Money raised following theft

Atticus Raasch December 12, 2017

Following a theft of around $400 from the Special Education Department, senior Mimi Fhima said she and senior Sophie Yarosh felt inspired to act by starting a GoFundMe fundraiser. “We felt really...

Non-Traditional Academy to sell donated clothing

Non-Traditional Academy to sell donated clothing

Delaney Wallerich, Willard Huyck, and Navjot Kaur October 15, 2016

Non-Traditional Academy (NTA) coordinator Chris Weaver said the program’s Closet Project, where students sell clothes at an affordable price, started when the school received a large donation of clothes...

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