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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

Used with permission from Todd Goggleye.

Vice principal shares challenges of pandemic

Crystal Diaz April 16, 2021

How do you feel about going 100 percent? I feel confident. We had procedures in place when we were at 25 percent and then we went to 50 percent, and now we are at 100 percent. We still have roughly...

First day back in person overwhelming

First day back in person overwhelming

Molly Schochet April 14, 2021

Walking out of school after the first day back to 100 percent, I felt exhausted. I had been going in person twice a week during hybrid learning, and while it was nice to see people who I haven't seen in...

Due to some labs requiring equipment at the high school, Park students have been allowed in the building to use laboratory stations in science classrooms to complete their labs.

Juniors move to in-person science labs

Jack Kroells January 6, 2021

After performing online labs with her students because of social-distancing guidelines, biology teacher Julie Schilz decided to give her students the chance to go into school for an in-person lab experience. “I...

A lack of accountability caused by distanced learning allows for students to cheat on assignments and tests. Academic dishonesty is a growing concern for schools during the pandemic.

Distance learning blurs lines of academic dishonesty

Colin Canaday December 24, 2020

As we have strayed away from our traditional learning methods due to the pandemic, we have all had to adapt to using new tools and resources to keep up with school. However, with different, now accessible...

Junior Tommy Hiemenz studies in the Orioles Nest Nov. 20. The Orioles Nest is open all day during school hours and provides a space for students to work productively away from their homes.

Oriole Study Nest opens

Talia Lissauer November 23, 2020

As an additional resource during distance learning, Park has opened the Oriole Study Nest as a place where students can participate in school in-person Monday-Friday. Assistant principal Jessica Busse...

Interim Principal Wendy Loberg talks to a student during lunch Oct. 26. Park began a hybrid model at 25% capacity Oct. 26.

Staff Editorial: First week of hybrid proves safe

October 31, 2020

Students with the last name A-E were welcomed back for the first day of 25% hybrid learning Oct. 26. All students were divided into five cohorts, four in-person cohorts and one fully distance learning....

Photo illustration by Talia Lissauer. "Please keep 6 feet distance” stickers have been placed throughout the hallways at Park. Other precautionary measure  have been put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including following social distancing guidelines and the use of face coverings.

Precautionary measures in place for Hybrid learning

Talia Lissauer and Maddie Schutte October 20, 2020

After completing the first seven weeks of the 2020-2021 school year in distance learning, Park will transition into a 25% hybrid model beginning the week of Oct. 26. According to assistant principal Jessica...

Photo illustration by Talia Lissauer. Park is taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 such as wearing face masks, following social distancing guidelines and the use of dividers in the classroom. Park is planning to transition to a hybrid model Oct. 5.

Concerns for Oct. 5 return to school arise

Talia Lissauer and Maddie Schutte September 26, 2020

As Oct. 5, the scheduled return to hybrid for grades 3-12 quickly approaches, Superintendent Astein Osei said he plans to share the concerns he has received from both teachers and families at the upcoming...

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