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The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

The student news site of St. Louis Park High School

The Echo

Senior Jordan Moore dribbles down the court in a game against Benilde Feb. 5. Athletes struggling in classes will now be required to attend tutoring on Wednesdays.

Tutoring required for struggling athletes

Molly Schochet February 26, 2021

Shortly after registering for the swim team this season, junior Zachary Nathan received an email asking him to come to athlete tutoring on Wednesdays.  “I had an F in a class, even though I had turned...

Junior Nathan Hausladen participates in his forth hour class from the Oriole Study Nest Jan. 19.  The Oriole Study Nest will remain open to students during their distance learning days.

Oriole Study Nest remains open during hybrid learning

Molly Schochet February 24, 2021

In an effort to give more support to students, Park opened the Oriole Study Nest this fall as a place for them to come in and get work done without the distractions at home. Senior Nick Lanoux said the...

Junior Tommy Hiemenz studies in the Orioles Nest Nov. 20. The Orioles Nest is open all day during school hours and provides a space for students to work productively away from their homes.

Oriole Study Nest opens

Talia Lissauer November 23, 2020

As an additional resource during distance learning, Park has opened the Oriole Study Nest as a place where students can participate in school in-person Monday-Friday. Assistant principal Jessica Busse...

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Orioles Study Nest