Students should take politics seriously

Discussion facilitates decision making

Max Kent

As the presidential caucuses approach, some students will have the opportunity to vote for the candidate they believe represents their views most appropriately. For some, voting might seem as trivial as celebrity gossip. But for others, the decision is crucial.

However, despite a person’s interest in voting, students should never avoid discussing politics. Although some may resist, discussion provides a platform for students who will have the opportunity to vote to express and evaluate political ideas in an open forum.

Whether they take place at home, at school or out in public, political discussions allow students to create a basis of ideas that lead them to the candidate who best represents their plans for the future of the country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 38 percent of people 18 to 24 years old voted in the 2012 presidential election.
Compared to previous years this census showed an increase in teenage voter turnout, but these outcomes at the polls nonetheless do not represent the whole population of young adults.

The readily available access to social media during this important democratic process gives students an easier gateway to what happens around the country. Although at times the media may skew the perception of reality, it can spur political curiosity that fosters discussion and thus a politically aware and conscientious youth.

Political discussions not only educate students on the political views of a candidate and update them on the most recent news, but they also allow students to express their set of ideas and learn other people’s take on certain issues.
The world provides students with many ideas, and it is not always easy to make decisions based on the internet, television or radio.

As generations grow older, the vitality of politically aware students and young adults should be placed at the forefront of education and development.

The political system promotes the idea that everyone eligible to vote can have their say in the fate of the country. Student discussion should be celebrated because it shows the awareness and knowledge young adults have on important issues that can change the country.