Living overseas provides cultural immersion


Sam St. Clair

When I was 3 years old, my family decided to pack their bags and move to Peru. My parents are teachers and my dad’s school gave him a three year leave to teach overseas, so we decided to take a chance to explore a new country.

While I lived in Peru, my family traveled frequently. We went to Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Columbia and many other places. On one of our trips, we went to the Colca Canyon, a river canyon in the southern part of Peru. I remember the exhilarating feeling of staring down at one of the deepest canyons in the world.

Every trip we took was a new adventure for me. I felt lucky to live in a place where I opened my mind to new people, cool opportunities and cultural experiences.

I still remember the day I first rode a horse on a beach we visited every year. I continue to laugh about riding a horse named Mantequilla, which translates to butter.


What’s the point?

“Traveling and new experiences help you develop as a person.

My time living in Peru provided me with many of my first childhood memories.

When I arrived in Peru, I spoke no Spanish. Looking back nine years later, I have my trip to Peru to thank for getting me into Park Spanish Immersion, allowing me to be fluent in Spanish.

As a few years went by, I became comfortable with my life and the people I was surrounded by. I made new friends who I still keep in touch today, such as the Hoiseth family who I became very close with during our last year in Peru. To this day, our families reunite twice a year and always reminiscence on wonderful adventures we had together in Peru.

I often wish I still lived in the wonderful country I once called my home, but I am so thankful I got to experience Peru.

The trip made me a better person because I got to learn about different lifestyles and backgrounds. Traveling to Peru made me realize how fortunate I am able to explore countries while still having a place in St. Louis Park to call home. Experiencing new places and cultures helped me gain a perspective on the world I live in that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

In the future I hope to further my understanding of the world by exploring other countries.