Club encourages creative writing

Poetry club helps writing skills outside of class

Club encourages creative writing

Sara Tifft

Sophomore Nina Afremov started the Poetry and Prose club last spring when she realized the opportunities it would create for herself and other young writers.

“I started it because I love to write, but I can never really find time during the school year. So it helps me and other students who like to write set aside a time and have a writing community,” Afremov said.

Adviser Kristina Erickson is currently on maternity leave and Mai Hauger, her substitute teacher, is taking her place.

Hauger said she isn’t directly involved, but observes the skills the club creates.

“It helps students understand that there’s a lot of types of poetry you can enjoy and exposes them to new writing outside of class,” Hauger said.

Afremov said she thinks the club creates a fun environment for writing and believes it is helpful to the members’ writing skills.

“We read out what we’ve written to each other. If you haven’t written anything, we read poetry or stories that we have found and really enjoy,” Afremov said. “This is really beneficial to writers, because I think to become a better writer you need to read.”

Sophomore Will Poulter, a member of the club, said he joined because he has always had an interest in reading and writing.

“In school we have this problem of studying only the greats like Salinger, Homer and Shakespeare, and we don’t get as much time to read other things and discuss them in a setting like we do at Poetry and Prose,” Poulter said.

The Poetry and Prose Club meets at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays in C355.