Counseling department adds second activity fair

Additional opportunity created to push involvement

Katie Orton

During the 2014 freshmen orientation activity fair, the gym buzzed with excitement. Sophomore Alex Monson traveled to tables inquiring about extracurriculars, but with limited time and distractions, she said she wasn’t able to speak to everyone.

“I didn’t really get a chance to look at everything,” Monson said.

Counseling department head and freshmen counselor Barb Nelson said freshmen orientation will stick to its usual schedule of students receiving their schedules, walking to class and attending the activity fair. However, this year the counseling department will add an additional activity fair in the beginning of the school year.

Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 10.49.06 AM“We always feel like the kids are so excited to be back at school and talk to each other that they don’t necessarily do the best job at walking around the activity fair,” Nelson said.

According to Nelson, the addition of a second activity fair is an attempt to raise student involvement.

“The department has chosen to add a repeat of the activity fair once the school year has officially started,” Nelson said

The format of orientation will remain the same, Nelson said, but with a second activity fair added later on.

“We might do it the second or third week of school during the lunches,” Nelson said. “We’ll have a table for the different organizations on a rotating basis for that week.”

According to Nelson, this smaller venue of the fair will give the freshmen another chance to familiarize themselves with all the activities to get them more involved.

“This will give them a second look at everything offered,” Nelson said.

Monson said she thinks a second activity fair will have a positive impact on freshmen.

“For students that aren’t really involved in anything the activity fair is a cool opportunity,” Monson said. “It makes sense to do a second one.”