Club to host poetry slam

Event allows creative expression

Celene Koller

As Senior Rivka Buchbinder started to plan the poetry slam for 36 arts she was excited that students would be able to express who they are through poetry.

The poetry slam will allow students an opportunity to creatively express themselves to peers within a supportive environment, according to 36 Arts adviser, Christoph Nordmark.

“(The poetry slam) gives students a means to express themselves and get their poems out,” Nordmark said. “It’ll be a very supporting environment with people wanting to hear other people’s writings.”

Senior Rivka Buchbinder said the poetry slam allows students to express themselves in a different medium.

“I really like that the poetry slam gives an opportunity to bring together people who all love the same thing,” Buchbinder said. “It allows people to share what they are feeling inside without worrying about any sort of judgment.”  

Similar to last year, the poetry slam will not be a competition but more of the style of an open mic.

“We’re hoping people come, Nordmark said.” “It’s not a competition as it has been previous years, just kind of a poetry reading.”

Buchbinder said the group wanted to have an easygoing environment for anyone attending.

“We didn’t want to have the pressure of a competition, Buchbinder said.” “The poetry slam is usually a pretty laid back experience.”

Anyone can participate but those who attend are not forced to share work and can expect to learn more about their classmates.

“Those who are not participating get to hear from their classmates and just hear different experiences, Nordmark said.” “It’s entertaining and thought provoking.”

The poetry slam will take place right after school on Dec. 10 in Nordmark’s room, C357. All students are allowed to participate and the event is free of cost.