Club training complete

Natural Helpers now available as student resource


Josh Halper

Senior Nick Behnken hands out quarter zips at the Natural Helpers meeting on Tuesday

Kate Huber

After months of training, the Natural Helpers peer counselors are now able to give advice to students who seek help.

The Natural Helpers club is a student-run peer counseling organization that provides students with someone to talk to and trust with their problems, according to co-president of the club Rand Phillips.

Students have learned the basics of counseling through training led by social worker Daniel Perez, anh-igccording to Phillips. Phillips said Perez’s help gives counselors skills to assist others more effectively.

“During training, we learned listening skills and practiced scenarios that could happen while counseling a student. We were also taught how to recognize a situation that requires professional help,” Phillips said.

Phillips said he believes the Natural Helpers are competent enough to counsel peers.

“I have 100 percent trust that all Natural Helpers members are ready to help other students. They have gone through enough training that they know how to react to whatever challenges they may face,” Phillips said.

Junior and peer counselor Kamia Guy said she feels prepared to give advice to students.

“I think the Natural Helpers have trained a lot and we are ready to help those who need it. I know what to do and say depending on what the student is going through,” Guy said.

Adviser Allison Luskey said she anticipates the club’s launch.

“I am excited to see how the club takes off. I think that it is a good way for students to strengthen their helping skills by providing support and a trustworthy ear for those who need it,” Luskey said.

For additional information on the Natural Helpers, visit Luskey in room B11A.