Student Council gives back in blood drive

Goals include surpassing last year’s donations

Peter Johnson

Last year Park donated 18 gallons of blood, enough to save 456 lives, at the Student Council blood drive. This year, Student Council adviser Sarah Lindenberg said she hopes to beat that goal this year on Dec. 6.

“It’s a life saving thing for students to do,” Lindenberg said. “Every little donation is unique and helps people in tragic circumstances.”

Lindenberg also stressed how the drive finds ways to give back to the community. Student Council pairs with Memorial Blood Center twice a year to hold a school blood drive, and on this coming Friday from 8-1 pm, anyone with healthy and willing may donate.

Senior Maggie Yarosh, Student Council president, said that even though Friday is a shortened early release day, she hopes to meet the goals set out for the blood drive.

“We hope to have a successful day, filling up the entire schedule with donations constantly,” Yarosh said. “It’s a good way for students to help out and reach out to the community.”

There are restrictions for the blood drive to insure the safety of students. These include height and weight minimums, various health complications, and for 16 year-olds, parental consent. Blood drawn will also be put through tests for diseases and blood type, with results being returned to students.

Junior Jason Keller said he believes he will donate blood, and sees it as a good way to support the community.

“Giving blood can sometimes save a life, and this is a great thing for Student Council to be doing, helping the community,” Keller said.

Yarosh stressed that people shouldn’t be scared about the blood drive, and that it isn’t a difficult thing to do.

“It’s a great help to people, and there is a great support system at the blood drive for everyone,” Yarosh said. “No one should feel anxiety over the blood drive.”

Lindenberg said she agrees with Yarosh, and expects a strong showing from Park students.

“Come out and donate. Sign up and make sure you’re healthy and able Friday to participate,” Lindenberg said.