Discounted food provided for everyone

Fare for All sells cheap groceries in locally

Sara Tifft

A completely unique form of providing discounted foods to those in need (and everyone else) is now located here in St. Louis Park. It is called Fare for All.

Scott Weatherhead, outreach coordinator at Fare for All, said the program is classified as a food discount program and it is a part of the Emergency Foodshelf Network.

“It’s community supported. We have volunteers coming in nearly everyday to put together packages of frozen meats and fruits and vegetables. Since we buy all of our food in bulk, we are able to discount the food at 40-50 percent under grocery store prices,” Weatherhead said.

While many programs similar to Fare for All require the customers to fall under a certain income level, Weatherhead said this program is open to everyone.

He said three different types of people use this service: people living paycheck to paycheck, people on tight budgets and people who are financially sound but still use this program. This last group of people is called coupon clippers.

“We found that if we only sell food only to people who have tight budgets, when prices go up we’re not going to be able to see enough people,” Weatherhead said. “The coupon clippers are what keep our prices low. We haven’t raised prices in four years because we have more coupon clippers come out, so we order more food at a lower price.”

Weatherhead said they provide frozen meats, fruits and vegetables because the program focuses on getting nutritious food for people with tight budgets.

“When budgets get tight, the first thing people skimp on is nutritious food and they buy the processed foods they can afford,” Weatherhead said.

Weatherhead said many people are discouraged from coming to Fare for All because they have a higher income.

“The biggest misconception about our program is that people say ‘I don’t want to take away food from the people who actually need it.’ That is a message we need to do a better job of getting out, because if not for those people coming in, those who are struggling will have to pay higher prices,” Weatherhead said.

Fare for All is located at the Central Community Center off of Highway 7 on the first Tuesday of every month from 4-6 p.m.