Learning in Cohort C

Teachers, students adapt to new learning style


Toby Khabie

Spanish teacher Daniel Meyen helps students online while students in the classroom work on an activity Feb. 22. With the return of hybrid learning some students in cohort C have fell behind while others have been able to keep up.

Andrea Melear

After sophomore Samira Abdirahman chose to remain in distance learning, she said although she misses seeing her peers and teachers, staying in remote learning was the right choice.

“This year I fell into a rhythm and I’ve gotten used to it. It’s been much better than it was last spring when we kind of got thrown into everything,” Abdirahman said. “I do miss seeing people and interacting with my teachers and my classmates, but for safety, this is the best option for me.”

As Park prepared to go back to hybrid learning Feb. 22, administration offered the option for students to continue distance learning in Cohort C. According to science teacher Patrick Hartman, he is trying to find new ways to ensure inclusion for both his students in school and at home. 

“I’ve been asking my kids for a lot of feedback and to tell me how things are going. I’m trying to do little things like that because if they’re just looking at me in the front of the room, they aren’t necessarily seeing the classroom,” Hartman said. “I’m just trying to give another view and another aspect to the room.”

Although junior Luna LaBelle said there have been some issues with distance learning, she understands the challenges teachers are under. 

“For me, learning in Cohort C is going okay. It does have some troubles, but the teachers are doing pretty well, and I don’t want to stress them because I know that they’re under a lot of stress and pressure right now,” LaBelle said.

Hartman said being in the classroom eases some of the struggles while teaching, but hopes to not see a difference between the cohorts.

“It’s easier to talk when I’m in the classroom, if I’m in here and you’re talking to me I feel like it’s easier for the student to respond to me and make a comment,” Hartman said. “I feel like it’s going to be a bit of a struggle and hopefully not too steep of a learning curve but we’ll just have to get some practice in and figure out some tricks.”

According to LaBelle, managing in-person and virtual students has caused some changes in her classes. 

“It has changed a bit because teachers are trying to balance really well so it’s a bit more difficult,” LaBelle said. “Some things that have been difficult are like trying to present since some kids are in the classroom and some are not, and their networks are sometimes bad.”

According to Abdirahman, she’s aspiring to keep learning this year to prepare for next year.

“I just hope that throughout the rest of the year I can continue to be learning something and to benefit from the school year, even though it’s been a crazy year,” Abdirahman said. “I just hope that I won’t be too behind when we go back for next year.”

As hybrid progresses, Hartman hopes to adjust better and make it the best experience possible for everyone.

“I hope it gets better and we get more comfortable with it. I know distance learning got more comfortable as time went on for me,” Hartman said. “I’m trying to really collaborate with my teaching peers and talk about different strategies, what’s working well, what’s not working and try to share ideas and make it better for everyone.”