Senior prank leaves students divided

Toilet paper and water balloons part of prank


Aidan Shafton

Seniors throw toilet paper on trees outside of the school as their senior prank. Other pranks by seniors included throwing water balloons and shooting water guns at underclassmen.

Aidan Shafton

After seniors trashed the trees outside the school with toilet paper and soaked the underclassmen with water balloons and water guns, senior Harris deNeui said he enjoyed the water balloon prank more than the toilet paper one. 

“The water balloon prank was better because it was harmless and it was fun to do,” deNeui said. “I wasn’t a big fan of the toilet paper one because it honestly wasn’t that funny.”

Senior Luke Walsh said he thought dousing his underclassmen friends in water was a nice send off to park.

“Hitting my sophomore and junior friends with water balloons was super fun,” Walsh said. “It was a nice way to leave the school on my last day.” 

Sophomore Parker Knudson said he dislikes the toilet paper prank because of the repercussions it had after it was executed.

“Throwing toilet paper on the trees was pretty dumb because the seniors made the school staff clean up their mess for a prank that wasn’t that good in the first place.” Knudson said. 

DeNeui said although he wasn’t ecstatic about this year’s prank, he thinks senior pranks are here to stay for years to come.

“This year’s prank wasn’t great but I still think senior pranks are fun,” deNeui said. “It’s a chance for seniors to get creative and to leave the school with a bang.”

According to Knudson, senior pranks should be phased out because of the harm they cause and because they are not humorous.

“Senior pranks cause way too many bad things for how funny they are,” Knudson said. “Honestly, if my senior class skipped the senior prank I wouldn’t be mad.”