Trump administration floats xenophobic policy

14th Amendment under fire from president


Samantha Klepfer

Since 1868, the United States Constitution has included the 14th Amendment stating, “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” are to be given citizenship, according to the National Archives.

According to Vox, this Amendment has been redefined a number of times and was finalized to include everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity. Oct. 30, a video of President Trump was released in which he claimed he plans to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants, according to The New York Times.

Getting rid of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants would not only go against the very principles this country was founded on, but it would also be detrimental to our economy. It would suppress immigration significantly, something which improves the United States’ economy in many ways, and it enhances its culture, according to The Obama White House.

The destruction of the 14th Amendment begs a number of important questions, such as what will happen to children whose parents are waiting to receive their green card or citizenship? What would happen to children born of one parent who is a citizen and one who is not? Most importantly, would people who are citizens because of that law be in danger of deportation? To deport any of these people, who are no less American than those born to citizens, would be cruel and unethical.

Overall, this concept boils down to xenophobia. According to Vox, Most supporters of ending birthright citizenship are people who are illogically terrified of losing the ‘American culture’ to immigrants, which means they are afraid the U.S. will become less white. This view of America is crazy and racist. The United States’ culture is founded around immigration. Since the United States started out as 13 colonies, every American — with the exception of Native Americans — came from immigrants. According to History, President Trump himself is a descendant of German immigrants.

Ending birthright citizenship is unconstitutional, illogical and xenophobic at its core. Luckily, it’s also extremely difficult to accomplish. Since birthright citizenship is an amendment to the Constitution, it can only be changed with another amendment, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

This would require either a vote in the House and Senate with a two-thirds majority in both, according to the National Archives, or a constitutional convention — which would need to be voted for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. With the House and Senate as divided as they are right now, getting an amendment like this passed would be impossible. So, though the concept of removing so many people from their home, as horrifying and xenophobic as it is, simply isn’t a remote possibility at this point.