New achievement support coordinator pursues place in education
Kaelyn Dagon aspires to connect with students
Kaelyn Dagon wipes down cafeteria tables Nov. 15. Dagon is the newest Achievement Support Coordinator at Park.
November 20, 2021
Why did you decide to come to Park?
I decided to come to Park because I love working with students. Ultimately, my goal was to go into administration, and while I’m going back to school to accomplish that, this position gives me an opportunity of what it might be like to be in a school setting. I want to be in education. When I saw the posting, I interviewed for it and the more I got to learn about the position and what it all entails, I just fell in love with it.
What was your position before this one?
I was a project coordinator for a healthcare company. After college, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do; I just took the first job I could get. Now I’m trying to get back into what I actually want to do, which is working in education and working with students.
How has the transition been?
The first couple of weeks were tough but I just jumped right into it. It’s something new every day and I love it.
What are some of the responsibilities as an ASC?
Some of my duties I do on the daily are checking students’ grades, checking in with them, helping students with honestly (whatever) they need. I also monitor hallways, help with behavioral issues and help with calling parents and whatever admin really needs.
What are some of your goals for this year?
A big goal for me is to make as many personal connections with students as I possibly can. That’s not just talking about the juniors, which is my grade level, but any grade level. I really am here to work with kids and work with students to succeed and whatever it takes to accomplish that.