Roots and Shoots continues to promote sustainability

Park’s environmental club expanding current campaigns and planning Climate Action Plan launch event

Senior Lukas Wrede and iMatter director Larry Kraft discussion options for a Climate Action Plan launch party during a Roots & Shoots meeting on Feb. 12.

Following the successful adoption of the Climate Action Plan by St. Louis Park’s City Council, Park’s Roots and Shoots club looks to expand their sustainability campaigns this spring, according to senior club leader Lukas Wrede.

“We’re about to try a door-to-door campaign for wind sourcing and see how that turns out and what the feedback is, (and then eventually) doing that for many communities in St. Louis Park,” Wrede said. “We’re also working with the Environmental & Sustainability Commission, and their communications team is helping us get more awareness around that as well.”

According to Wrede, wind sourcing refers to renewable wind energy created outside of the city limits. In addition to wind sourcing, Wrede said Roots and Shoots is also working on a recycling campaign, with an original video to be shown to Park students next week.

“I believe on (February) 21, there’s an advisory day at school, and we’ll be showing the video to every advisory class about recycling,” Wrede said. “The video will talk a little about the Climate Action Plan and talk a little about what students can do at school.”

Junior club-member Leila Raymond said Roots and Shoots is also currently working on planning a launch event for the Climate Action Plan, which the city recently adopted.

“Roots and Shoots went to City Council and tried repeatedly and passed the Climate Action Plan,” Raymond said. “Because it passed, we’re now planning a launch event where businesses and residents of St. Louis Park can come and learn about the Climate Action Plan and look into investing in alternative energy sources, such as wind or solar energy.”

According to Wrede, while logistics are still being figured out, the launch will likely take place at Park Recreation Center around earth day.

“The idea behind (the launch) is to gather lots of community members, City Council members and local businesses and organizations and talk about what St. Louis Park’s future is going to be like and get their support,” Wrede said. “We’ll be reaching out to businesses in St. Louis Park asking them to support the Climate Action Plan, so they’ll be the first businesses essentially to say that they’ll be net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, which is what the Climate Action Plan does.”

Wrede said at the launch, Roots and Shoots will also be doing networking and promoting their residential campaigns, which include fuel switching and efficient lighting, to Park citizens.

“It’s an all-around opportunity for St. Louis Park to take a big first step in putting into action this Climate Action Plan,” Wrede said.

Sophomore Makaila Winward, who recently joined Roots and Shoots, said she encourages interested students to attend upcoming meetings.

“I think Roots and Shoots is a great club and I love the people in it,” Winward said. “Lukas (Wrede) is great and he’s really passionate about it, (which) helps bring the club together.”

Raymond said she feels Roots and Shoots is a great club for those interested in helping the environment.

“Anyone who would like to share their opinions or affect change in the community surrounding environmental issues,” Raymond said. “If you would love to see gardens in the community, or would like to help make our community more green, sustainable and environmentally-friendly, you should (join) Roots and Shoots.”

According to Wrede, the next Roots and Shoots meeting will take place at 8 a.m. Feb. 27 in room A316, and all students are welcome to attend.