Cheers to hot chocolate

Student council brings festivity to lunch


Ena Mekic

Ms. Dagen hands out hot chocolate to sophomore Chloe Lorentz. Student council organized for hot cocoa to be available to students during lunchtime.

Sarah Peterson and Taylor Voigt

In honor of winter break’s arrival, Park’s student council decided to give back to the students by sharing a warm holiday treat Dec. 19–21. Students were able to find free hot cocoa outside of the lunchroom during the three-day week.

Senior co-president Micah Davis said that the student council wanted to give back to students in honor of the holidays.

“The season (inspired the event),” Davis said. “Coming up on winter break, we wanted to give them something warm and nice.”

Senior co-president Axel Abrahamson, who worked the event Dec. 20, said the student council wanted to reward students for a successful start to the school year.

“Just to be able to make a positive impact is the point of it,” Abrahamson said. “We want to be thankful for what we’ve been given and for having a good year so far. It’s always nice to do good.”

Freshman Jordyn Mclemore said she appreciated the excitement of the event.

“This event makes people think, ‘Oh, this school is fun,’” Mclemore said. “It’s less boring with stuff like this.”

Davis said the event was meant to recognize students’ positive impact on Park before going into winter break. 

“The students (are benefited) — we did it as a student appreciation sort-of-thing right before break, to show our appreciation for all the students and everything they do,” Davis said.

Mclemore said she wants to see more student council celebrations during other seasons.

“The student council should do more for other holidays like Halloween, maybe decorating the halls,” Mclemore said.

Abrahamson said the student council advisors put a lot of effort into organizing the event and making it possible. 

“A lot of the thanks should go to our advisors, Kaelyn, Ms. Weaver and Ms. Rennhak,” Abrahamson said. “They did a lot of the planning and getting supplies, and then just being here to supervise it all.”