Construction begins on new concession stand

District, three teams unite to fund new initiative


Shayan Gilbert Burke

The athletic department is folding up the old tables previously used for the concession stand.

In the table’s place, a permanent concession stand is being constructed in the main gym.

Athletic director Andy Ewald said the athletic department fundraised for the project during the past year and now are beginning construction.

“Boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball and volleyball teams each came forward with funds to help toward the project and then the district picked up the rest of it,” Ewald said.

According to Ewald, running the concession stands is a lot of work for parent volunteers and maintenance staff.

“Our basketball and volleyball teams, when they’ve done concessions in the past, have always had to set tables up in the gym and carry things to sell back and forth,” Ewald said.

Junior Jonathan Pope said it will help make games more enjoyable.

“I think it will make a better environment for fans,” Pope said.

However, some students, such as sophomore Ryan Domres, said it’s unnecessary.

“I don’t feel like it’s needed because they had a system that already worked,” Domres said.

However, Ewald said the goal is making the facilities around the school as nice and as aesthetically pleasing as possible, Ewald said.

“We are not going to be tearing down or building new schools, so we need to try to  take the space that we have and make it be as nice as possible,” Ewald said. “It’s just one of those amenities that we felt would be important to have at some point.”

Construction on the concession stand began Sept. 15 and will last about two weeks.