German Club offers movie viewing
Variety of hot beverages provided at meeting

German teacher Shari Fox said the next German Club meeting will be sometime in January, and will most likely be a movie.
“I think we are going to watch a movie next time,” Fox said. “January is jam packed with tons of extra stuff, that is why I am doing it low key.”
Fox said club attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of beverages she keeps in stock for her upper-level German students.
“I started (carrying beverages) a couple of years ago. I felt like the upper-level classes involve more sitting, writing and reading type activities. I wanted to offer the kids something fun to look forward to,” Fox said. “If we watch a movie or if we do something crafty or play a game then they will usually get treats. I will go to ALDI and get some German cookies, too.”
Senior Ryan Gemilere said although he has not attended German Club, he is interested in attending the next meeting.
“I think watching a German movie could be fun. Frau let’s us have hot drinks in class, and that’s always a treat,” Gemilere said.
Fox said she has a variety of different drinks students can choose from.
“(I have) hot apple cider, all kinds of teas (and) lattes. If I can get over to ALDI they have some really good latte and cappuccino mixes that are cheap. (I also have) instant coffee and hot chocolate,” Frau said. “The most popular (drink) is hot chocolate. (Students) always want Swiss Miss, the one with the marshmallows.”
The next German Club will be held sometime in January after school in room B241.

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