‘Big Fish’ concludes opening weekend

Cast and crew anticipate final performances


Cecil Jacobson

Cast members perform the song ‘Red, White and True’ from the musical ‘Big Fish.’

Nicole Sanford

Walking into the auditorium Sunday afternoon, freshman Lily Strathman said she knew very little about ‘Big Fish’ before attending.

“My sister’s in it, (but) I knew nothing about ‘Big Fish.’ I didn’t know anything,” Strathman said. “(The show) was good, I expected it to be good.”

Senior Thomas Bryant, cast as Will in the production, said while the first three shows encountered minor technical issues, the cast successfully overcame those obstacles.

“(The first shows) went amazingly well,” Bryant said. “There were some little technical things, the scene changes that just kind of had to come together. It’s theater, everything is spontaneous so sometimes stuff goes wrong, but you just recover.”

According to director Jodi Hatzenbeller, prior to the production’s opening performance, the cast spent their last week of rehearsal perfecting the difficult aspects of the show.

“There’s just a lot of technical elements coming together, a lot of scene shifts, a lot of costume changes that until we put them all together, we didn’t really realize how complicated it was going to be,” Hatzenbeller said. “So this past week has been trying to figure out who can do what and how we can expedite the process.”

According to Strathman, the show portrayed a variety of themes suitable for any audience.

“(The show is) so good, and it’s good for everyone of all ages,” Strathman said. “I liked that it was sad and dramatic, but it’s also really funny at the same time.”

Hatzenbeller said the cast accounts for the spontaneity of live performances and responds well to unexpected mishaps.

“(The shows have) gone well. There’s always hiccups with things that go wrong, but that’s kind of the excitement of live theater is things might go wrong, but how do we cover for them, how do we recover from them,” Hatzenbeller said. “I think the cast has done a really good job at that.”

According to Hatzenbeller, the last weekend of shows typically run smoother than the first ones.

“By the last three shows we kind of have all the bugs worked out so now we can kind of enjoy and enhance the showmanship of it all,” Hatzenbeller said. “Next weekend should be even better (than this weekend).”

Bryant said he looks forward to continuing ‘Big Fish’ performances next weekend.

“Just getting to tell the story three more times (is exciting) because it’s just such a fun and amazing show,” Bryant said. “(The audience should) get ready to be amazed.”

‘Big Fish’ performances will be 7 p.m. Nov. 17-18 and 2 p.m. Nov. 19 in the auditorium. Admission costs $10 for adults and $7 for students and are sold at the door.